Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 is deprecated

Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 was deprecated on November 20, 2019. Please use Mailbox API 2.0 going forward. If you have any questions or need help with the new API, please reach out.

Search Customers

  • REST Method: GET
  • URL: https://api.helpscout.net/v1/search/customers.json

Search Reference

Operator Example What it does
Name query=(firstName:"John") Searches for customers who have a first name of "John"
  query=(lastName:"Appleseed") Searches for customers who have a last name of "Appleseed"
  query=(firstName:"John" OR firstName:"Johnny") Searches for customers who have a first name of either "John" or "Johnny"
  query=(firstName:"John" AND lastName:"Appleseed") Searches for customers who have a first name of "John" and a last name of "Appleseed"
Email query=(john@appleseed.com) Searches for customers who have an email of "john@appleseed.com"
  query=("john@appleseed.com" OR "johnappleseed@gmail.com") Searches for customers who have an email of "john@appleseed.com" or "johnappleseed@gmail.com"
Modified Since query=(modifiedSince:"2013-11-20T00:00:00Z") Searches for customers who have been modified since 2013-11-20


Name Type Required Default Options Notes
page Int No 1    
pageSize Int No 50 0-50 50 is the default and also the maximum page size
query String No *   If no query is specified, all conversations will be returned.
sortField String No score
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • modifiedAt
sortOrder String No desc
  • asc
  • desc

To request subsequent pages:


Response Name Type Notes
Header Status Int 200
Body page Int Current page that was passed in on the request
  pages Int Total number of pages available
  count Int Total number of objects available
  items Collection Collection of SearchCustomer objects
Status: 200 OK
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 1,
    "count": 4,
    "items": [{
        "id": 29418,
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Appleseed",
        "fullName": "John Appleseed",
        "emails": {
        "photoUrl": "http://twitter.com/img/some-avatar.jpg",
        "photoType": "twitter",
        "gender": "Male",
        "age": "30-35",
        "organization": "Acme, Inc",
        "jobTitle": "CEO and Co-Founder",
        "location": "Greater Dallas/FT Worth Area",
        "createdAt": "2012-07-23T12:34:12Z",
        "modifiedAt": "2012-07-24T20:18:33Z"
    {... customer object ...},
    {... customer object ...},
    {... customer object ...}