Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 is deprecated

Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 was deprecated on November 20, 2019. Please use Mailbox API 2.0 going forward. If you have any questions or need help with the new API, please reach out.

Time Range Statistics (Productivity)

The time range statistics object contains a summary of productivity over a date/time range.

Field Guide

Name Type Notes
startDate Date/Time ISO 8601, in UTC
endDate Date/Time ISO 8601, in UTC
totalConversations Int Number of conversations included in these statistics
resolutionTime Double Average amount of time it takes (in seconds) from the time a conversation is created to the time it is resolved; a conversation can only be resolved once and must include a reply
repliesToResolve Double Average number of replies sent to the customer before the conversation is resolved
responseTime Double Average amount of time (in seconds) a customer is waiting for a response from your company
firstResponseTime Double Average amount of time (in seconds) a customer is waiting for the first reply from your company; subsequent response times are not included
resolved Int Number of conversations with at least one User reply and a status of closed; a conversation can only be resolved once
resolvedOnFirstReply Int Number of conversations that were resolved after one reply, as opposed to those requiring multiple replies
closed Int Number of conversations that were closed during the time range
repliesSent Int Number of replies sent from Users to customers, including new conversation email threads
handleTime Int Average amount of time (in seconds) from when the Reply button is pressed until the Send button is pressed; if you save a draft and come back to it several times, only the final visit before sending will be captured as the handle time
percentageResolvedOnFirstReply Double Percentage of conversations that were resolved after one reply, as opposed to those requiring multiple replies


  "startDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate": "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
  "totalConversations": 1,
  "resolutionTime": 2278004.0,
  "repliesToResolve": 2.0,
  "responseTime": 2278004,
  "firstResponseTime": 2278004,
  "resolved": 1,
  "resolvedOnFirstReply": 0,
  "closed": 94,
  "repliesSent": 62,
  "handleTime": 6,
  "percentResolvedOnFirstReply": 0.0