Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 is deprecated

Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 was deprecated on November 20, 2019. Please use Mailbox API 2.0 going forward. If you have any questions or need help with the new API, please reach out.

User Statistics (Company)

The user statistics object contains a summary of a user's performance over the specified date/time range(s).

Field Guide

Name Type Notes
customersHelped Int Total number of customers the user helped for the current time range
happinessScore Double This metric is calculated by subtracting the Not Good percentage from the Great percentage for the current time range
previousCustomersHelped Int Total number of customers the user helped for the previous time range; only included if a previous time range was specified
replies Int Total number of replies the user sent for the current time range
name String The user's name
previousHappinessScore Double This metric is calculated by subtracting the Not Good percentage from the Great percentage for the previous time range; only included if a previous time range was specified
previousReplies Int Total number of replies the user sent for the previous time range; only included if a previous time range was specified
user String The user's unique identifier
previousHandleTime Double Average amount of time from when the Reply button was pressed until the Send button was pressed for the previous time range; if you save a draft and come back to it several times, only the final visit before sending will be captured as the handle time; only included if a previous time range was specified
handleTime Double Average amount of time from when the Reply button was pressed until the Send button was pressed for the current time range; if you save a draft and come back to it several times, only the final visit before sending will be captured as the handle time


  "customersHelped": 26,
  "happinessScore": 66.66666666666666,
  "previousCustomersHelped": 16,
  "replies": 58,
  "name": "John Smith",
  "previousHappinessScore": 23.529411764705884,
  "previousReplies": 40,
  "user": "1",
  "previousHandleTime": 0.0,
  "handleTime": 78.96