Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 is deprecated
Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 was deprecated on November 20, 2019. Please use Mailbox API 2.0 going forward. If you have any questions or need help with the new API, please reach out.
Time Range Statistics (Happiness)
The time range statistics object contains a summary of how happiness ratings over a date/time range.
Field Guide
Name | Type | Notes |
ratingsPercent | Double | Percentage of customers who submitted a rating |
okay | Double | Percentage of Okay ratings received |
great | Double | Percentage of Great ratings received |
happinessScore | Double | This metric is calculated by subtracting the Not Good percentage from the Great percentage |
okayCount | Int | Number of Okay ratings received |
totalCustomersWithRatings | Int | Number of customers who submitted a rating |
notGoodCount | Int | Number of Not Good ratings received |
ratingsCount | Int | Number of ratings received |
notGood | Double | Percentage of Not Good ratings received |
greatCount | Int | Number of Great ratings received |
totalCustomers | Int | Total number of customers, including those who did not submit a rating |
"ratingsPercent": 35.77981651376147,
"okay": 30.909090909090907,
"great": 37.27272727272727,
"happinessScore": 5.454545454545457,
"okayCount": 34,
"totalCustomersWithRatings": 39,
"notGoodCount": 35,
"ratingsCount": 110,
"notGood": 31.818181818181817,
"greatCount": 41,
"totalCustomers": 109