Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 is deprecated

Legacy Mailbox API 1.0 was deprecated on November 20, 2019. Please use Mailbox API 2.0 going forward. If you have any questions or need help with the new API, please reach out.

Mailbox Folder Object

Field Guide

Name Type Example Notes
id Int 1234 Unique identifier
name String Mine Folder name
type String mine The type this folder represents. Possible options include:
  • open
  • mine
  • needsattention
  • drafts
  • assigned
  • closed
  • spam
userId Int 4532 If the folder type is mine, userId represents the Help Scout user to which this folder belongs. Otherwise userId is zero
totalCount Int 2 Total number of conversations in this folder
activeCount Int 1 Total number of conversations in this folder that are in an active state (vs pending).
modifiedAt Datetime 2012-07-24T20:18:33Z UTC time when this folder was modified.


    "id": 1234,
    "name": "Mine",
    "type": "mine",
    "userId": 4532,
    "totalCount": 2,
    "activeCount": 1,
    "modifiedAt": "2012-07-24T20:18:33Z"