Status codes

Please note that some response codes can have a specific meaning when calling some endpoints. If this general guide doesn’t explain the situation you encountered, consult the documentation for the endpoint.

Status Code Name Description
200 OK Request was successful and response contains data
201 Created Resource was created. Response will contain either Location header or Resource-ID header. Typical for POST requests
204 No Content Request was successful and response is empty. Typical response for PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests.
301 Moved permanently Requested entity existed under a different ID or path. Check the Location header.
400 Bad Request Client error - the request doesn’t meet all requirements, see error messages
401 Not Authorized OAuth2 token is either not provided or not valid
403 Access denied Your OAuth2 token is valid, but you are denied access - the response should contain details
404 Not Found Resource was not found - it doesn’t exist or it was deleted
409 Conflict Resource cannot be created because conflicting entity already exists
412 Precondition failed The request was well formed and valid, but some other conditions were not met.
413 Payload Too Large The payload of the request is larger than limit for the endpoint
415 Unsupported Media Type The API is unable to work with the provided payload
429 Too Many Requests You reached the rate limit
500 Internal Server Error Ooops, something is wrong on our end
503 Service Unavailable The API cannot process the request at the moment
504 Gateway Timeout An internal call timed-out and the API was not able to finish your request. It is safe to retry the request after a short delay