Update Customer

This endpoint can be used to update a Customer profile with additional information after creation (name, email address, phone number, etc.). To update user-defined customer properties, see the Update Customer Properties endpoint. If you wish to fully overwrite a customer record, see the PUT Customer endpoint.

Not all combinations of paths and operations and values are allowed, even if both values are valid. Please keep in mind:

  • Individual values can be removed, but it is not possible to remove a whole customer entry collection. For example, [{"op": "remove", "path" : "/emails"}] is not allowed
  • type fields only accept predefined values - you can find the details in the documentation of the customer entries: Address, Chat Handles, Emails, Phones, Social Profile, Websites
  • Request payload must be in the form of array (enclosed by square brackets). Failing to enclose them as such will cause requests to return a validation error.

Example payloads

Add new email

    "op" : "add",
    "path" : "/emails",
    "value" : {
      "type" : "other",
      "value" : "bear@acme.com"

Delete email

    "op" : "remove",
    "path" : "/emails/1001"

Update chat

    "op" : "replace",
    "path" : "/chats/1002/value",
    "value" : "aim"

Update multiple fields

    "op" : "replace",
    "path" : "/firstName",
    "value" : "Vernon"
    "op" : "replace",
    "path" : "/lastName",
    "value" : "Bear"
    "op" : "add",
    "path" : "/emails",
    "value" : {
      "type" : "other",
      "value" : "bear@acme.com"


PATCH /v2/customers/100 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer oauth_token
Content-Type: application/json

[ {
  "op" : "replace",
  "path" : "/firstName",
  "value" : "Karl"
} ]

Path Parameters


Request fields

Path Type Required Description
[].op String Y patch operation, one of
Not all combinations of path and operations are allowed.
[].path String Y path to field - both top level customer fields and customer entries are supported. Supported patch paths are:
[].value Varies N field value - different fields expect different formats


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content