Productivity Overall Report

The productivity report provides a snapshot of productivity over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how productivity changed between the two ranges.

If you would like to see the conversation data that make up this report, please use the Company Drilldown endpoint.

Note: The reporting endpoints are only available to Plus and Pro plans.


GET /v2/reports/productivity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer oauth_token

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Examples Description
start date start=2019-05-02T12:00:00Z
Start of the interval
end date end=2019-06-02T12:00:00Z
End of the interval
previousStart date previousStart=2019-04-02T12:00:00Z
Start of the previous interval
previousEnd date previousEnd=2019-05-02T12:00:00Z
End of the previous interval
mailboxes number mailboxes=123
List of comma separated ids to filter on inboxes
tags number tags=99787
List of comma separated ids to filter on tags
types enumeration types=email
List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat, phone
folders number folders=991
List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders
officeHours boolean officeHours=true
Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "filterTags" : [ {
    "id" : 123,
    "name" : "sample-tag"
  } ],
  "current" : {
    "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
    "totalConversations" : 1,
    "resolutionTime" : 2278004.0,
    "repliesToResolve" : 2.0,
    "responseTime" : 2278004,
    "firstResponseTime" : 2278004,
    "resolved" : 1,
    "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 0,
    "closed" : 94,
    "repliesSent" : 62,
    "handleTime" : 6,
    "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.0
  "previous" : {
    "startDate" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "endDate" : "2014-01-31T23:59:59Z",
    "totalConversations" : 14,
    "resolutionTime" : 6531211.714285715,
    "repliesToResolve" : 2.2142857142857144,
    "responseTime" : 4850412,
    "firstResponseTime" : 5138913,
    "resolved" : 14,
    "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 5,
    "closed" : 49,
    "repliesSent" : 636,
    "handleTime" : 0,
    "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.35714285714285715
  "deltas" : {
    "totalConversations" : -92.85714285714286,
    "repliesSent" : -90.25157232704403,
    "firstResponseTime" : -55.67148149813006,
    "resolved" : -92.85714285714286,
    "repliesToResolve" : -9.677419354838712,
    "closed" : 91.83673469387755,
    "resolvedOnFirstReply" : -100.0,
    "responseTime" : -53.03483497896673,
    "handleTime" : 0.0,
    "resolutionTime" : -65.12126539984419
  "responseTime" : {
    "count" : 1,
    "previousCount" : 14,
    "ranges" : [ {
      "id" : 10,
      "count" : 1,
      "previousCount" : 12,
      "percent" : 100.0,
      "previousPercent" : 85.71428571428571
    } ]
  "handleTime" : {
    "count" : 1,
    "previousCount" : 14,
    "ranges" : [ {
      "id" : 1,
      "count" : 1,
      "previousCount" : 14,
      "percent" : 100.0,
      "previousPercent" : 100.0
    } ]
  "firstResponseTime" : {
    "count" : 1,
    "previousCount" : 14,
    "ranges" : [ {
      "id" : 10,
      "count" : 1,
      "previousCount" : 12,
      "percent" : 100.0,
      "previousPercent" : 85.71428571428571
    } ]
  "repliesToResolve" : {
    "count" : 1,
    "previousCount" : 14,
    "ranges" : [ {
      "id" : 2,
      "count" : 1,
      "previousCount" : 4,
      "percent" : 100.0,
      "previousPercent" : 28.57142857142857,
      "resolutionTime" : 2278004
    } ]

Response fields

Path Type Description
filterTags Array All tags available for filtering in reports, including tag id=1, which represents conversations that are untagged
current Object Statistics about productivity for the current time range
previous Object Statistics about productivity for the previous time range
deltas Object Statistics showing how productivity changed between two time ranges; only included if a previous time range was specified
responseTime Object Statistics about the amount of time customers waited for a reply from your company
firstResponseTime Object Statistics about the amount of time customers waited for the first reply from your company; subsequent response times are not included
handleTime Object Statistics about the amount of time between opening the conversation and pressing the Send button; if you save a draft and come back to visit it several times, only the final visit before sending will be captured as the handle time
repliesToResolve Object Statistics about the number of replies sent to the customer before the conversation was resolved

Response fields

Path Type Description
startDate String Start of the range
endDate String End of the range
totalConversations Number Number of conversations included in these statistics
resolutionTime Number Average amount of time it takes (in seconds) from the time a conversation is created to the time it is resolved; a conversation can only be resolved once and must include a reply
repliesToResolve Number Number of replies sent to the customer before the conversation is resolved
responseTime Number Average amount of time (in seconds) a customer is waiting for a response from your company
firstResponseTime Number Average amount of time (in seconds) a customer is waiting for the first reply from your company; subsequent response times are not included
resolved Number Number of conversations with at least one User reply and a status of closed; a conversation can only be resolved once
resolvedOnFirstReply Number Number of conversations that were resolved after one reply, as opposed to those requiring multiple replies
closed Number Number of conversations that were closed during the time range
repliesSent Number Number of replies sent from Users to customers, including new conversation email threads
handleTime Number This represents the time from when you open the conversation to the time you press Send. If you save a draft and come back to it several times, only the final visit before sending will be captured as the handle time.
percentResolvedOnFirstReply Number Percentage of conversations that were resolved after one reply, as opposed to those requiring multiple replies

Response fields

Path Type Description
totalConversations Number Percentage change in the total number of conversations between the two time ranges
repliesSent Number Percentage change in the number of replies sent from Users to customers, including new conversation email threads, between the two time ranges
firstResponseTime Number Percentage change in the average amount of time a customer is waiting for the first reply from your company between the two time ranges; subsequent response times are not included
resolved Number Percentage change in the number of conversations with at least one User reply and a status of closed between the two time ranges; a conversation can only be resolved once
repliesToResolve Number Percentage change in the average number of replies sent to the customer before the conversation is resolved between the two time ranges
closed Number Percentage change in the number of conversations that were closed between the two time ranges
resolvedOnFirstReply Number Percentage change in number of conversations that were resolved after one reply between the two time ranges, as opposed to those requiring multiple replies
responseTime Number Percentage change in the average amount of time a customer is waiting for a response from your team between the two time ranges
handleTime Number Percentage change in the average amount of time from when the conversation is loaded until the Send button is pressed between the two time ranges; if you save a draft and come back to it several times, only the final visit before sending will be captured as the handle time
resolutionTime Number Percentage change in the average amount of time a customer is waiting for a response from your company between the two time ranges

Response fields

Path Type Description
count Number Total number of conversations in the current time range
previousCount Number Total number of conversations in the previous time range
ranges Array Contains information about how about distribution of the values in individual ranges; each element in the collection represents one time duration, identified by id
ranges[].id Number Range identifier
ranges[].count Number Total number of conversations in the current range
ranges[].previousCount Number Total number of conversations in the previous time range
ranges[].percent Number Percentage of conversations in this range
ranges[].previousPercent Number Percentage of conversations in the previous range

Response Time Range Identifiers

ID Category
1 < 15 min.
2 15-30 min.
3 30-60 min.
4 1-2 hours
5 2-3 hours
6 3-6 hours
7 6-12 hours
8 12-24 hours
9 1-2 days
10 > 2 days

Response fields

Path Type Description
count Number Total number of conversations in the current time range
previousCount Number Total number of conversations in the previous time range
ranges Array Contains information about how about distribution of the values in individual ranges; each element in the collection represents one time duration, identified by id
ranges[].id Number Range identifier
ranges[].count Number Total number of conversations in the current range
ranges[].previousCount Number Total number of conversations in the previous time range
ranges[].percent Number Percentage of conversations in this range
ranges[].previousPercent Number Percentage of conversations in the previous range

Handle Time Range Identifiers

ID Category
1 < 1 min.
2 1-2 min.
3 2-5 min.
4 5-10 min.
5 > 10 min.

Response fields

Path Type Description
count Number Total number of conversations in the current time range
previousCount Number Total number of conversations in the previous time range
ranges Array Contains information about how about distribution of the values in individual ranges; each element in the collection represents one time duration, identified by id
ranges[].id Number Range identifier
ranges[].count Number Total number of conversations in the current range
ranges[].previousCount Number Total number of conversations in the previous time range
ranges[].percent Number Percentage of conversations in this range
ranges[].previousPercent Number Percentage of conversations in the previous range
ranges[].resolutionTime Number Average resolution times (in seconds) for each category

Number of Replies Identifiers

ID Number of Replies
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 > 5