Docs Overall Report

The Docs report provides statistics about Docs usage (searches, top articles, etc.) over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how usage changed between the two ranges.

Note: The reporting endpoints are only available to Plus and Pro plans.


GET /v2/reports/docs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer oauth_token

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Examples Description
start date start=2019-05-02T12:00:00Z
Start of the interval
end date end=2019-06-02T12:00:00Z
End of the interval
previousStart date previousStart=2019-04-02T12:00:00Z
Start of the previous interval
previousEnd date previousEnd=2019-05-02T12:00:00Z
End of the previous interval
sites string sites=5215163545667acd25394b5c
List of comma separated docs site IDs


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "current" : {
    "visitors" : 10723,
    "browseAction" : 88.94575230296827,
    "sentAnEmailResult" : 0.3450526904784109,
    "foundAnAnswerResult" : 72.93667816842301,
    "searchAction" : 11.05424769703173,
    "failedResult" : 26.71826914109857,
    "docsViewedPerVisit" : 0.9329443525211182
  "popularSearches" : [ {
    "count" : 22,
    "id" : "pricing",
    "results" : 4
  }, {
    "count" : 21,
    "id" : "beacon",
    "results" : 9
  } ],
  "failedSearches" : [ {
    "count" : 2,
    "id" : "knowlege"
  }, {
    "count" : 1,
    "id" : "auto-advance"
  } ],
  "topArticles" : [ {
    "count" : 2295,
    "name" : "Email commands ",
    "siteId" : "52244cc53e3e9bd67a3dc68c",
    "id" : "524db929e400c2199a391f39",
    "collectionId" : "524491b4e4b0145597daf4e4"
  } ],
  "topCategories" : [ {
    "count" : 1153,
    "name" : "Productivity",
    "siteId" : "52444cc53e3e9bd67a3dc28c",
    "id" : "52b5a3b6e4b0a3b4e5ec64d3",
    "articles" : 20
  }, {
    "count" : 790,
    "name" : "Copying Email to Help Scout",
    "siteId" : "52444cc53e3e9bd67b3dc68c",
    "id" : "52548414e4b0772073dac6d0",
    "articles" : 17
  } ],
  "deltas" : {
    "failedResult" : 2.4021178109331593,
    "docsViewedPerVisit" : 2.561943903720043,
    "foundAnAnswerResult" : -2.7056392137487535,
    "visitors" : -14.622392395035643,
    "browseAction" : -2.154856275773497,
    "searchAction" : 2.1548562757735183,
    "sentAnEmailResult" : 0.30352140281560414

Response fields

Path Type Description
current Object Statistics about Docs usage for the current time range
previous Object Statistics about Docs usage for the previous time range
popularSearches Array Collection of objects containing statistics about popular searches
failedSearches Array Collection of objects containing statistics about failed searches
topArticles Array Collection of objects containing statistics about top articles
topCategories Array Collection of objects containing statistics about top categories
deltas Object Statistics showing how Docs usage changed between two time ranges; only included if a previous time range was specified

Response fields

Path Type Description
failedResult Number Percentage of views where the customer exited without viewing an article
docsViewedPerVisit Number Average number of articles viewed by a customer during a session on the website; sessions expire after 30 minutes of inactivity
foundAnAnswerResult Number Percentage of views where the customer viewed an article and didn’t contact support
visitors Number Visits from unique browsers
browseAction Number Percentage of views due to browsing
searchAction Number Percentage of views due to searching
sentAnEmailResult Number Percentage of views where the customer then sent an email to support

Response fields

Path Type Description
deltaPercent Number Percentage change in search popularity for this search term
id String The actual search term
count Number Number of times the search term was used for the current time range
previousCount Number Number of times the search term was used for the previous time range
results Number How many results were returned

Response fields

Path Type Description
deltaPercent Number Percentage change in search popularity for this search term
id String The actual search term
count Number Number of times the search term was used for the current time range
previousCount Number Number of times the search term was used for the previous time range

Response fields

Path Type Description
deltaPercent Number Percentage change in popularity of this article
id String The article identifier
siteId String The site identifier
count Number Number of times this article was viewed for the current time range
collectionId String The collection identifier
name String Name of the article
previousCount Number Number of times the article was viewed for the previous time range

Response fields

Path Type Description
deltaPercent Number Percentage change in popularity of this category
id String The category identifier
siteId String The site identifier
articles Number Number of articles in this category
count Number Number of times articles in this category were viewed for the current time range
name String Name of the category
previousCount Number Number of times articles in this category were viewed for the previous time range

Response fields

Path Type Description
failedResult Number Percentage change visits where the customer exited without viewing an article
docsViewedPerVisit Number Percentage change visits where the customer exited without viewing an article
foundAnAnswerResult Number Percentage change in customers who viewed an article and didn’t contact support
visitors Number Percentage change in visits from unique browsers
browseAction Number Percentage change in views due to browsing
searchAction Number Percentage change in views due to searching
sentAnEmailResult Number Percentage change in views where the customer then sent an email to support