Update Thread

This endpoint is utilising JSONPatch. For a summary of fields and operations allowed check out the following table

Updating a thread is only allowed when the authorized user is either an administrator or when thread editing is enabled for the account.


PATCH /v2/conversations/123/threads/567 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer oauth_token
Content-Type: application/json

  "op" : "replace",
  "path" : "/text",
  "value" : "New text"

Request fields

Path Type Required Description
op String Y Patch operation to be carried out, see list of valid paths and operations below
path String Y Path of the value to be changed, one of:
value Varies Y Value to be used in operation, refer to table below for valid types

Valid paths and operations

Functionality Path value Op value Value type Note
Change text /text replace String When the thread text is changed, the original text is saved and can be viewed on the Help Scout website when viewing a conversation
Hide/Unhide thread /hidden replace Boolean Hides/Unides a thread (must be a non-draft customer or reply thread).


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Moved or merged conversations

When a conversation is merged with another conversation, it is no longer accessible using the old ID. Get Conversation endpoint will return a HTTP 301 Moved Permanently status code and the response will contain a Location header with the URI of the new conversation.

This request will return a HTTP 404 Not Found in such case. If you suspect the conversation you are trying to change was merged, call the Get Conversation endpoint to get a new conversation location.

Locked conversation - maximum number of threads

A single conversation can contain up to 100 threads. If you try to create conversation with more than 100 threads or add a thread to a conversation that has 99 threads or more, the API will return HTTP 412 Precondition failed error.

Locked conversation - too old

Company policy can prevent old conversations to be updated. If you try to add a new thread to a conversation when when this policy is active, the API will return HTTP 412 Precondition failed error.