Update Site Restrictions

  • REST Method: PUT
  • URL: https://docsapi.helpscout.net/v1/sites/{id}/restricted
  • Content-Type: application/json


Name Type Required Default Options Notes
. SiteRestriction Y     The body of the request (see example below).
    "enabled": true,
    "authentication": "CALLBACK",
    "callbackConfiguration": {
        "signInUrl": "https://example.com/signin"

Accepted Fields

Name Type Required Default Notes
enabled Boolean Y true Whether the site is restricted or not.
authentication String N CALLBACK Required if enabled is true.
Possible values:
callbackConfiguration CallbackConfiguration N Required if authentication is CALLBACK.


Response Name Type Notes
Header Status Int 200
Body item SiteRestriction
    "enabled": true,
    "authentication": "CALLBACK",
    "callbackConfiguration": {
        "signInUrl": "https://example.com/signin",
        "sharedSecret": "xU9z43VrMtqIvnAqgbvUPSNkj/e4e/M5Nw+NIz7Dnjs="