Create Redirect

  • REST Method: POST
  • URL:
  • Content-Type: application/json


Name Type Required Default Notes
redirect Redirect Y   The body of the request (see example below).
reload boolean N false Set this request parameter to true to return the created redirect in the response.
    "siteId": "52444cc53e3e9bd67a3dc68c",
    "urlMapping": "/article/22-respond-to-conversations",
    "redirect": ""

Accepted Fields

Name Type Required Default Notes
siteId String Y   The id of the Site that this Redirect is associated with
urlMapping String Y   The path to redirect from.

Note that query parameters not are taken into account when creating or searching redirects. A URL mapping of /article/22?xyz=abc will be treated as if it were a mapping from /article/22.
redirect String Y   The fully qualified URL to redirect to


Response Name Type Notes
Header Status Integer 201
Header Location String{id}
Status: 201 Created