Category Object

Field Guide

Name Type Example Notes
id String 5214c83d45667acd25394b54 Unique identifier
number Int 23 Numerical identifier. Useful for creating SEO friendly URLs (combined with a slug of the Category name).
slug String "my-article" SEO-friendly identifier for the article that can be used in a URL.
visibility String "public" The visibility of the category.
collectionId String 5214c83d45667acd25394b53 The id of the Collection that this Category is associated with.
order Integer 1 The display order for this Category.
defaultSort String "custom" The default sort for the Category.
name String My Category  
description String null A description for the Category entered on creation.
articleCount Integer 21 Total number of articles in the Category.
publishedArticleCount Integer 19 Total number of articles in the Category which are published.
publicUrl String "" Public URL to access the category.
createdBy Integer 73423 The Help Scout id of the user who created this Category.
updatedBy Integer 73423 The Help Scout id of the user who last updated this Collection.
createdAt DateTime "2013-08-21T19:34:13Z" The UTC date/time that the Category was created.
updatedAt DateTime "2013-08-21T19:34:13Z" The UTC date/time that the Category was last updated.


    "id": "5214c83d45667acd25394b54",
    "number": 133,
    "slug": "my-category",
    "visibility": "public",
    "collectionId": "5214c83d45667acd25394b53",
    "order": 1,
    "defaultSort": "custom",
    "name": "My Category",
    "description": "",
    "articleCount": 21,
    "publishedArticleCount": 19,
    "publicUrl": "",
    "createdBy": 73423,
    "updatedBy": null,
    "createdAt": "2013-08-21T14:01:33Z",
    "updatedAt": null