List Related Articles
- REST Method: GET
- URL:{id}/related
Use this endpoint to return a list of articles related to the specified article id. Full articles are not returned. Instead, an ArticleRef is returned, which is an abbreviated version of the Article suitable for displaying in a list.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Options | Notes |
page | Int | No | 1 | ||
status | String | No | all |
sort | String | No | order |
order | String | No | desc |
To request subsequent pages:
Response | Name | Type | Notes |
Header | Status | Int | 200 |
Body | page | Int | Current page that was passed in on the request |
pages | Int | Total number of pages available | |
count | Int | Total number of objects available | |
items | Collection | Collection of ArticleRef objects. |
"articles": {
"page": 1,
"pages": 1,
"count": 4,
"items": [
"id": "5215163545667acd25394b5c",
"number": 121,
"collectionId": "5214c77c45667acd25394b51",
"status": "published",
"hasDraft": false,
"name": "My Article",
"publicUrl": "",
"popularity": 4.3,
"viewCount": 237,
"createdBy": 73423,
"updatedBy": null,
"createdAt": "2013-08-21T19:34:13Z",
"updatedAt": null,
"lastPublishedAt": "2013-08-21T19:34:13Z"
{... article ref object ...},
{... article ref object ...},
{... article ref object ...}