List Articles

  • REST Method: GET
  • URL:{id}/articles
  • URL:{id}/articles

Use this endpoint to return a list of articles for a collection or category. Full articles are not returned. Instead, an ArticleRef is returned, which is an abbreviated version of the Article suitable for displaying in a list.

Note: Articles can be listed by either a Collection or a Category.


Name Type Required Default Options Notes
page Int No 1    
status String No all
  • all
  • published
  • notpublished
sort String No order
  • number
  • status
  • name
  • popularity
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
order String No desc
  • asc: ascending order
  • desc: descending order
pageSize Integer No 50 Max pageSize is 100

To request subsequent pages:



Response Name Type Notes
Header Status Int 200
Body page Int Current page that was passed in on the request
  pages Int Total number of pages available
  count Int Total number of objects available
  items Collection Collection of ArticleRef objects.
    "articles": {
        "page": 1,
        "pages": 1,
        "count": 4,
        "items": [
                "id": "5215163545667acd25394b5c",
                "number": 121,
                "collectionId": "5214c77c45667acd25394b51",
                "status": "published",
                "hasDraft": false,
                "name": "My Article",
                "publicUrl": "",
                "popularity": 4.3,
                "viewCount": 237,
                "createdBy": 73423,
                "updatedBy": null,
                "createdAt": "2013-08-21T19:34:13Z",
                "updatedAt": null,
                "lastPublishedAt": "2013-08-21T19:34:13Z"
            {... article ref object ...},
            {... article ref object ...},
            {... article ref object ...}