
Welcome to our Guides section, a dedicated collection of resources to help you overcome specific challenges and complete tasks when using Apps, our JavaScript SDK, and React UI Kit. Our guides are designed to provide practical, step-by-step instructions, addressing a broad spectrum of aspects in the app development process.

From getting data from Help Scout, working with the Side Panel, setting your app’s height in the sidebar, using fonts and styles that match Help Scout’s interface, to validating signatures for app security, our guides offer in-depth documentation on a variety of topics. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, these guides can assist you in successfully navigating and utilizing Help Scout’s features.

Available Guides

We’re committed to regularly updating and expanding these guides, so be sure to check back often for new insights. We’re also interested in your feedback and contributions to help us improve these resources. As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, we’re here to help. Happy coding!