Beacon for Android
For issues or questions, contact Help Scout support at
Please view the requirements for the Android Beacon SDK here on Github.
Supported versions
We make every effort to ensure the Beacon SDK is compatible with the latest, non-beta versions of Android, Kotlin, Java, and other third-party dependencies. However, sometimes breaking changes are introduced outside of our control, and in these cases, you may wish to delay updating to the latest version of those libraries to ensure compatibility.
If you find a compatibility problem, please contact Help Scout support at
View the currently supported versions on the sample GitHub repository.
The Beacon Android SDK ships with ProGuard rules therefore no specific rules are needed.
Useful links
- SDK reference - generated Javadocs for all public classes/methods
- Changelog – get a list of recent changes to the Beacon SDK
Sample application
We’ve created an open-source sample repository with several sample apps that you can reference during your implementation. We hope it’s helpful!
Maven Central 
The Beacon Android SDK is distributed as AAR and available from Maven Central, so simply add the following lines to your app’s build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.helpscout:beacon:<beaconVersion>"
Once you sync the Gradle project, you’ll be ready to initialize Beacon.
You can download the .aar
files from our repository on Maven Central or the releases section of the Sample repository.
Initialize Beacon
You can find setup code and your Beacon ID in the web Beacon builder by clicking “Installation” on the left sidebar, then navigating to “Android” in the options displayed at the top.
Once you’ve located the Beacon ID, you are ready to initialize the library. If you only display one Beacon, the Application.onCreate()
method of your Application class
is a great place to initialize the SDK. If you won’t know the Beacon ID at Application start or running multiple Beacons, you’ll need to make sure to add
the following call to the Beacon.Builder()
before you launch BeaconActivity
Beacon beacon = new Beacon.Builder()
Beacon ID field is mandatory. Failing to provide it will throw an SDKInitException
when an interaction with the Beacon
object is done.
We use a Provider to to handle the initialization of the SDK with Application Context. You can disable Auto Init by adding the following meta-data tag to your manifest
<meta-data android:name="com.helpscout.beacon.SDKAutoInitialise" android:value="false" />
However if Auto Init is disabled, you need to pass a context to Beacon.Builder.withContext()
to manually init the Beacon.
Open Beacon
Once you’ve initialized Beacon, you’re ready to interact with it. Whenever you want to invoke Beacon, use the code below to display the Beacon user interface.;
There isn’t an explicit method for closing the Beacon; instead, the user closes it when they tap the close button or navigate away using the back button.
Developer options
It’s possible to launch the Beacon SDK in developer mode. By doing so, you’ll be able to read the HTTP requests and other actions that happen with the SDK.
In order to activate this mode, you have to tell the Beacon Builder like so:
Beacon beacon = Beacon.Builder()
Once this is done, head over to LogCat.
Authenticating users
You can provide the name and email address to pre-populate and hide the fields on the ‘Create a message’ screen.
Normal mode
Normal mode authentication requires a user’s email address as the user identifier.
Alternatively, you can also identify the user’s name.
Beacon.identify("", "John Doe");
Or add some more extra attributes such as company name, job title and a url to use as the customer’s avatar.
Beacon.identify("", "John Doe", "Company Name", "Job title",
Secure mode
If you provide a valid signature, you can use it to authenticate a user in Secure Mode and retrieve their previous conversations. For security reasons, you’ll need to pass in the signature every time you want to open the Beacon UI.
Note: you should not store the secret key in the app; instead, your server should provide the computed signature value.
BeaconActivity.openInSecureMode(context, "8235545a15c6f41b64e3c47e5c94d3...");
Calling this method resets the current Beacon state, thereby deleting all the user data: email, name, user attributes, push token and resets the Beacon Device ID. It won’t remove the Beacon ID, or any local config overrides.
This method wipes all data from the Beacon, including the Beacon ID. This may be useful if you are using different Beacons in different parts of your app.
User attributes
For Help Scout plans with access to Customer Properties, you can pass custom attributes that will be synced to the customer’s record and visible in the Customer Properties sidebar app.
Attribute keys should exactly match Customer Property IDs, which are case-sensitive and can include letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores, but no other special characters. name
and email
are reserved attribute keys. Attribute values should be of type String.
You may add an attribute like so:
Beacon.addAttributeWithKey("Subscription", "Free Plan");
You may also remove specific attributes, or clear the entire set.
Beacon.removeAttribute("a-key"); //remove one attribute
Beacon.clearAttributes(); //clear all attributes
Session attributes
This method allows you to add session-specific information to a new message. Unlike the Beacon.addAttributeWithKey(..)
method above, use Beacon.setSessionAttributes(..)
to pass data into the Beacon visitor activity note that’s only relevant to a specific conversation. We do not sync this data to either the customer profile or the Customer Properties app.
You can add up to 20 attribute-value pairs. Each attribute label can contain up to 100 characters, and each value can contain up to 10,000 characters.
Prefilling the contact form
Use the PreFilledForm
object to pre-populate the “Create a message” contact form data. You can fill any of the fields: name
, subject
, the body of the message
, custom fields, attachment URIs, and email
. Note a maximum of three attachments is permitted. Unlike when using Secure Mode, the name and email fields remain visible and editable. We clear the data from the PreFilledForm
object on contact form send.
For how to determine the ids for custom field population, see this documentation for the Beacon web component.
Beacon.addPreFilledForm(new PreFilledForm(
"Steve Aoki", //name
"Need help with invoice", //subject
"Hello, I need some help with my invoice. See attached PDF...", //message
Collections.singletonMap(5678, "Question"), //custom field values
Collections.singletonList("content://media/path/to/invoice"), // list of string URIs )
"");//email address
Resetting the contact form
Reset the contact form by clearing all of its fields, custom fields, and attachments.
If your Beacon is in Normal Mode, calling contactFormReset()
clears all contact form fields, including name and email address.
If your Beacon is in Secure Mode, calling contactFormReset()
does not clear the customer’s name or email address, those inputs remain hidden.
Please note that if a customer is logged-in using the login
method, then their name and email address won’t be cleared with this method, you’ll have to use logout
for this purpose.
Navigate to a specific screen
The default behavior for Beacon is to open the Help & Support screen. If you want to open another screen, you can do it by calling one of the
Opening with search results
Open the search screen and with the search results for the string “search term”
ArrayList<String> searchList = new ArrayList<String>();
searchList.add("search term"), BeaconScreens.SEARCH_SCREEN, searchList);
Opening to an article
You can use this method to open a specific Docs article within Beacon, using the article’s ID.
Article IDs are found in Help Scout by navigating to the article and copying the article ID from the URL. The URL is structured like this:[COLLECTION ID]/article/[ARTICLE ID]/
ArrayList<String> articleList = new ArrayList<String>();
articleList.add("12345abcd");, BeaconScreens.ARTICLE_SCREEN, articleList);
Opening to the contact form
Open to the contact form screen. Note: requires the Beacon to have messaging enabled., BeaconScreens.CONTACT_FORM_SCREEN, new ArrayList<String>());
Opening to previous messages
Open directly to the previous messages screen. Note: requires the Beacon to have messaging enabled. If the user does not have previous messages, the page is empty with “Sorry, no previous messages” error message., BeaconScreens.PREVIOUS_MESSAGES, new ArrayList<String>());
Opening to chat
Open direct to realtime chat. Note: requires the Beacon to have chat enabled; if it is not enabled, this method will fallback to opening the contact form., BeaconScreens.CHAT, new ArrayList<String>());
Opening to ask
Open to the Ask chooser tab. Note: requires the Beacon to have docs and messaging enabled., BeaconScreens.ASK, new ArrayList<String>());
Custom suggestions
You can programmatically override and change the suggestions based on any criteria that you specify. You can suggest articles by specifying their IDs or by passing an article title and an URL.
Article IDs are found in Help Scout by navigating to the article and copying the article ID from the URL. The URL is structured like this:[COLLECTION ID]/article/[ARTICLE ID]/.
// There is a limit of 5 article ids. If the list is larger than 5, we ignore the additional articles.
List<SuggestedArticle> suggestedArticles = new ArrayList();
suggestedArticles.add(new SuggestedArticle.SuggestedArticleWithId("ARTICLE_ID"));
suggestedArticles.add(new SuggestedArticle.SuggestedArticleWithUrl("ARTICLE_TITLE", "ARTICLE_URL"))
Custom suggestions only get loaded when displaying the Beacon. If the Beacon is not present, loading the custom suggestion data queues it up for the next Beacon display.
If you’d like to revert to the default suggestion list from the Beacon Builder, you can call Beacon.setOverrideSuggestedArticlesOrLinks
with an empty list.
Open and close events
These methods allow you to listen to specific events in the lifecycle of the Beacon to perform custom actions. Right now we support ‘open’ and ‘close’ events.
To use it, please register the BeaconEventLifecycleHandler
listener in your Application
class. Example:
private void initBeaconListener() {
BeaconEventLifecycleHandler eventLifecycleHandler = new BeaconEventLifecycleHandler(
new BeaconOnOpenedListener() {
public void onOpened() {
Timber.i("Open Beacon event called")
new BeaconOnClosedListener() {
public void onClosed() {
Timber.i("Close Beacon event called")
To unregister from events, use the following example:
private void unregisterFromBeaconEvents() {
Settings customization
You can override various settings from the Beacon Builder configuration using the Beacon.setConfigOverrides(configOverrides)
General options
Name | Type | Options | Description |
messagingEnabled |
Boolean | true or false |
Enable or disable the contact form. It must be enabled in the Beacon settings for you to enable it via this API. |
docsEnabled |
Boolean | true or false |
Enable or disable the article/docs. It must be enabled in the Beacon settings for you to enable it via this API. |
chatEnabled |
Boolean | true or false |
Enable or disable the realtime chat. It must be enabled in the Beacon settings for you to enable it via this API. |
color |
String | "#617DEC" |
Beacon primary color in hex format |
focusMode |
If your Beacon has Docs and Messaging (email or chat) enabled, the mode controls the user experience of the Beacon. Learn more |
enablePreviousMessages |
Boolean | true or false |
Enable or disable Previous Messages in Beacon. Defaults to true. |
Contact form options
These are set by setting the BeaconContactForm
object on the BeaconConfigOverrides
Name | Type | Options | Description |
customFieldsEnabled |
Boolean | true or false |
Enable or disable Custom Fields |
showName |
Boolean | true or false |
Display an editable Name field. |
showSubject |
Boolean | true or false |
Display an editable Subject field |
allowAttachments |
Boolean | true or false |
Display the add Attachments button |
Show pre-filled custom fields
It is possible to hide custom fields that you’ve pre-filled using the Beacon.showPrefilledCustomFields(false)
. By default, pre-filled custom fields are shown just like the other pre-filled fields.
Translation strings
We lean on the Android resources system to provide overrides for Strings defined in the Beacon Builder. You can find a list of the overridable strings keys in the public.txt of the beacon-ui AAR file. Just define a string resource with the same key, and we’ll use that in preference over the Beacon Builder string value.
This allows for full localization support for example within your res/values-es folder you could create a beacon-strings.xml file and include the following to offer Spanish localization.
<string name="hs_beacon_send_a_message_title">Contáctenos</string>
<string name="hs_beacon_related_articles">También podría gustarte</string>
The customization sample project shows this in practice.
Mobile specific strings
Note some strings are Android/Mobile specific and there isn’t a Beacon Builder equivalent but these can also be overridden in the same way. For example:
<string name="hs_beacon_home_title">Help Desk</string>
<string name="hs_beacon_error_open_activity_not_found">Cannot find an app that supports opening files of this type</string>
String resource Id | Default |
hs_beacon_error_loading_more |
"Sorry, there has been an error loading more data." |
hs_beacon_error_open_activity_not_found |
"Cannot find an app that supports opening files of this type." |
hs_beacon_error_open_unknown |
"An error has occurred opening the file" |
hs_beacon_menu_close |
"Exit" |
hs_beacon_customfield_select_option |
"Select an option" |
hs_beacon_customfield_dropdown_leave_blank |
"(leave blank)" |
hs_beacon_discard |
"Discard" |
hs_beacon_continue_to |
"Continue" |
hs_beacon_reply_sent |
"Reply sent" |
hs_beacon_search_error_more |
"Error loading more results." |
hs_beacon_error_config |
"Choose a Docs site or Inbox to see your Beacon in action." |
hs_beacon_error_config_title |
"Configuration error" |
hs_beacon_error_article_not_found |
"The selected article was not found. Please retry with a valid article ID." |
hs_beacon_message_attachments_section_title |
"Attachments (%d)" (example) |
hs_beacon_error_timeout |
"There was a timeout error when attempting to retrieve data. Please double-check your internet connection and try again." |
hs_beacon_error_network |
"There was a problem retrieving data. Please double-check your internet connection and try again." |
hs_beacon_error_server |
"There was a problem retrieving data from the server. Please retry later." |
hs_beacon_error_unknown |
"An error has occurred. Please retry later." |
hs_beacon_confirm_email_address_to_view_conversations |
"Please confirm your email address to see previous conversations." |
hs_beacon_message_error_too_many_files |
"There is a limit of three file attachments per message." |
hs_beacon_message_error_downloading_attachment |
"There was an error downloading %s. Please try again." |
hs_beacon_message_error_invalid_attachment_extension |
"The .%s file extension is not supported" |
hs_beacon_attachment_downloading_please_wait |
"Please wait. Downloading %s" |
hs_beacon_message_error_uploading_attachment |
"There was an error uploading %s. Please try again." |
hs_beacon_message_error_deleting_attachment |
"Error deleting attachment." |
hs_beacon_message_error_no_previous_messages_found |
"Sorry, no previous messages." |
hs_beacon_conversation_show_more |
"Show more" |
hs_beacon_error_article_error_title |
"Hold up" |
hs_beacon_error_article_not_found_go_back |
"Go back" |
Chat specific strings
String resource Id | Default |
hs_beacon_chat_message_failed |
"Message failed to send. Tap to try again." |
hs_beacon_chat_view_conversation |
"View conversation" |
hs_beacon_message_agent_avatar_content_description |
"Agent avatar" |
hs_beacon_chat_downloading_image_attachment |
"Downloading" |
hs_beacon_chat_downloading_image_attachment_failed |
"Download failed" |
hs_beacon_chat_tap_to_retry |
"Tap to retry" |
hs_beacon_chat_download_error |
"Error downloading attachment" |
hs_beacon_chat_attachment_upload_error |
"Attachment failed to send. Tap to try again." |
hs_beacon_chat_attachment_invalid_extension_error |
"The .%s file extension is not supported" |
hs_beacon_chat_end_chat_dialog_header |
"Minimize or end your chat session" |
hs_beacon_chat_ended_title |
"Chat ended" |
hs_beacon_chat_email_hint |
"" |
hs_beacon_chat_menu_download_file |
"Download image" |
hs_beacon_chat_attachment_image_download |
"Image saved" |
hs_beacon_chat_max_attachments_reached |
"You can only have 20 attachments maximum per chat" |
hs_beacon_chat_agent_name_if_missing |
"Agent" |
hs_beacon_chat_rating_button_skip |
"No thanks" |
hs_beacon_chat_rating_discard_changes_message |
"Are you sure you want to exit and discard your rating?" |
hs_beacon_chat_rating_discard_changes_button_positive |
"Discard" |
hs_beacon_chat_rating_discard_changes_button_negative |
"Cancel" |
Push notification strings
String resource Id | Default |
hs_beacon_notification_reply_action_label |
"Reply" |
hs_beacon_notification_mark_as_read_action_label |
"Mark as read" |
hs_beacon_notification_channel_id |
"Beacon" |
hs_beacon_notification_channel_name |
"Beacon notifications" |
hs_beacon_chat_notification_channel_id |
"Beacon chat" |
hs_beacon_chat_notification_channel_name |
"Beacon chat notifications" |
hs_beacon_chat_notification_agent_replied_default_title |
"New chat message" |
hs_beacon_chat_notification_default_agent_name |
"Agent" |
hs_beacon_chat_notification_inactivity_title |
"Chat has gone idle" |
hs_beacon_notification_default_users_name |
"You" |
hs_beacon_conversation_notification_default_agent_name |
"Agent" |
hs_beacon_conversation_notification_default_title |
"New message" |
Push notifications
NOTE: There is no admin UI in Help Scout currently where you can manage your Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) details. If you would like to try out this feature, you can email your FCM service account JSON and your App ID to, and we’ll set it up manually for you.
If you don’t have an FCM service account JSON, you can follow these steps:
- Go to Firebase Console.
- Select your project, and click the gear icon on the top of the sidebar.
- Head to project settings.
- Navigate to the service account tab.
- Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.
- Clicking Generate Key downloads the JSON file – ensure that you persist this file somewhere safe, you won’t be able to download it again.
The push notification support allows your users to receive push notifications when a support agent replies to one of their messages (sent from the Beacon SDK) or an in-progress, realtime chat.
- Agent conversation replies - tapping the notification opens Beacon and takes the user to the conversation.
- Agent chat replies - tapping the notification opens Beacon and takes the user to the chat.
If running on Android 7.0 (API level 24), users can use Direct reply and enter text directly into the notification.
Android 13+ notify runtime permissions
Android 13 (API level 33) added a new restriction where users must consent via a runtime permission to show system notifications like those noted above. Beacon SDK does not handle this runtime permission request therefore please follow the steps outlined by Android developer to define and request the android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
. If your app is running on Android 13 an device and targeting Android 13 if this permission is not requested or allowed the Beacon SDK notifications will not be shown.
Follow Set Up a Firebase Cloud Messaging Client App on Android, making sure to add the required FCM dependencies. In either case, you’ll need to send us the device’s push token, which tells the Beacon SDK to register for push notifications on future messages and replies sent from the SDK.
For receiving the push messages, there are two paths to take here, depending on whether your application uses FCM already or not.
Your application is already enabled for FCM
In your custom extension of the FirebaseMessagingService
class you’ll already be overriding the onNewToken()
method. Just add a call to Beacon.setFirebaseCloudMessagingToken()
to send us the token.
public void onNewToken(String deviceToken) {
//Send Beacon the token
Once completed, Beacon can send push notifications to your application. To differentiate between Beacon push notifications and any other push notifications your app might receive, we’ve added a utility method.
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
if (remoteMessage.getData().size() > 0) {
BeaconPushNotificationsProcessor beaconPushNotificationsProcessor = new BeaconPushNotificationsProcessor()
if (BeaconPushNotificationsProcessor.isBeaconNotification(remoteMessage.getData())) {
beaconPushNotificationsProcessor.process(this, remoteMessage.getData());
} else {
// here can process your own push messages
Your application isn’t currently using FCM
We’ll automatically receive the push message and display a system notification. We just need the device push token.
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<InstanceIdResult>() {
public void onSuccess(InstanceIdResult instanceIdResult) {
String deviceToken = instanceIdResult.getToken();
//Send Beacon the token
If, in the future, you want to enable your own push messaging with FCM, please follow the instructions above.
Customizing Beacon notifications
Apps targeting Android Oreo (SDK 26) or higher have push notifications delivered to a notification channel. If you wish to override the channel settings for Beacon notifications, set the following resources to the values of your choice:
<string name="hs_beacon_notification_channel_id">your_channel_id</string>
<string name="hs_beacon_notification_channel_name">Your channel name</string>
If you wish, you can also change the icon that is shown in the status bar when receiving a notification. Just provide your own drawable called hs_beacon_ic_notification
and it’ll override the default icon.