Colors (Help Scout)

A series of thematic classes that adjust the background and font color properties of a selector based on Help Scout’s color palette.


npm install seed-helpscout-theme --save


Background colors

An example background color theme class looks like this:

Characters Description
t prefix for “theme”
bg background
blue color
500 shade

All of the colors and shades from the Help Scout color palette are available to be used as background colors.

Background color theme classes for seed-helpscout-theme can be used together with the font color theme classes.


I'm a blue card.
I'm a purple card.
I'm a yellow card.
<div class="c-card u-pad-4 t-bg-blue-500">
  I'm a blue card.
<div class="c-card u-pad-4 t-bg-purple-600">
  I'm a purple card.
<div class="c-card u-pad-4 t-bg-yellow-400">
  I'm a yellow card.

Font colors

An example font color theme class looks like this:

Characters Description
t prefix for “theme”
bg text
blue color
500 shade

All of the colors and shades from the Help Scout color palette are available to be used as font colors.

Font color theme classes for seed-helpscout-theme can be used together with the background color theme classes.


I'm blue text.
I'm purple text.
I'm yellow text.
<div class="c-card u-pad-4 t-tx-blue-500">
  I'm blue text.
<div class="c-card u-pad-4 t-tx-purple-600">
  I'm purple text.
<div class="c-card u-pad-4 t-tx-yellow-400">
  I'm yellow text.


Below are the default Sass configuration variables for seed-helpscout-theme. The variables can be found in the pack’s _config.scss file.

$seed-helpscout-theme-background-color-namespace: "t-bg" !default;
$seed-helpscout-theme-text-color-namespace: "t-tx" !default;

// Theme colors
// Constructing the color palette from seed-color-scheme-helpscout
$seed-helpscout-theme-colors: (
  // Base colors
  black: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, black),
  white: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, white),
  // Primary colors
  blue: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, blue),
  charcoal: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, charcoal),
  grey: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, grey),
  // Secondary colors
  yellow: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, yellow),
  green: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, green),
  red: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, red),
  purple: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, purple),
  orange: _get($seed-color-scheme-helpscout, orange),
) !default;