
A tiny utility library with functions designed to make it easier to work with Sass lists and maps.


npm install seed-dash --save


The Dash mixin pack consists of mutator methods that make it easier to work with lists and maps.


Gets the value(s) at the key of an object.

_get($object, arguments…)

Argument Type Description
$object List / Map The object to query.
arguments… String The key(s) of the property to get.

Example: List

$list: (red, blue, green);

.element {
  background: _get($list, red);
.element {
  background: red;

Example: Map (Simple)

$map: (
  primary: red,
  secondary: blue

.element {
  background: _get($map, primary);
.element {
  background: red;

Example: Map (Deep)

$map: (
  primary: (
    color: (
      background: red,
      border: black
  secondary: (
    color: (
      background: blue,
      border: white

.element {
  background: _get($map, primary, color, background);
.element {
  background: red;


Sets the value(s) at the key of an object.

_set($object, arguments…)

Argument Type Description
$object List / Map The object to query.
arguments… String The key(s) of the property to set.

Example: List

// Original list
$list: (red, blue, green);
// Adding a value to the list
$list: _set($list, yellow);

// Updated $list is now:
$list: (red, blue, green, yellow);

Example: Map - Adding a new key

// Original map
$map: (
  a: 1,
  b: 2
// Adding a new key:value pair to the map
$map: _set($map, c, 3);

// Updated $map is now:
$map: (
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3

Example: Map - Updating an existing key

// Original map
$map: (
  a: 1,
  b: 2
// Updating an existing key:value pair to the map
$map: _set($map, b, 3);

// Updated $map is now:
$map: (
  a: 1,
  b: 3,

Example: Deep Map - Setting a simple key

// Original map
$map: (
  primary: (
    color: (
      background: red,
      border: black
  secondary: (
    color: (
      background: blue,
      border: white

// Adding a new key:value pair to the map
$map: _set($map, primary, color, background, blue);

// Updated $map is now:
$map: (
  primary: (
    color: (
      background: red,
      border: black
  secondary: (
    color: (
      background: blue,
      border: white


Adds or updates values of an object

_extend($object, arguments…)

Argument Type Description
$object List / Map The object to query.
arguments… String The key(s) of the property to extend.

Example: List

$list: (a, b);
$updated-list: (b, c, d);

// Update the original $list
$list: _extend($list, $updated-list);

// Updated $list is now:
$list: (a, b, c, d);

Example: Map (Simple)

$map: (
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3

$updated-map: (
  c: 4,
  d: 5

// Update the original $map
$map: _extend($map, $updated-map);

// Updated $map is now
$map: (
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 4,
  d: 5

Example: Map (Deep)

$map: (
  primary: (
    color: (
      background: red,
      border: black
  secondary: (
    color: (
      background: blue,
      border: white

$updated-map: (
  primary: (
    color: (
      background: pink,
      border: pink,
      box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.2)
  secondary: (
    color: (
      box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.2)

// Update the original $map
$map: _extend($map, $updated-map);

// Updated $map is now
$map: (
  primary: (
    color: (
      background: pink,
      border: pink,
      box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.2)
  secondary: (
    color: (
      background: blue,
      border: white
      box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.2)


Adds or updates values of an object

_deep-extend($object, arguments…)

Argument Type Description
$object List / Map The object to query.
arguments… String The key(s) of the property to extend.
$map: (
  color: (
    background: red,
    border: black
  padding: (
    top: 0,
    right: 10px,
    bottom: 0,
    left: 0,

$updated-map: (
  padding: (
    bottom: 10px,

// Update the original $map
$map: _deep-extend($map, $updated-map);

// Updated $map is now
$map: (
  color: (
    background: red,
    border: black
  padding: (
    top: 0,
    right: 10px,
    bottom: 10px,
    left: 0,