Webhooks enable Help Scout to call a script on your server when one or more events have happened. Webhooks can be thought of as event listeners or push notifications.
Configuring webhooks can be done through the Help Scout user interface. Simply log in, click on Manage > Apps in the top header bar, then select the Webhooks app.
Available Events
Each request body uses the object format linked in the table below.
Type | Event Name | Request Header | v2 Request Body |
Conversation | Assigned | convo.assigned | v2 Conversation object |
Created | convo.created | v2 Conversation object | |
Deleted | convo.deleted | {id: id-of-convo-that-was-deleted } |
Merged | convo.merged | v2 Conversation object | |
Moved | convo.moved | v2 Conversation object | |
Status Updated | convo.status | v2 Conversation object | |
Tags Updated | convo.tags | v2 Conversation object | |
Custom Fields Updated | convo.custom-fields | v2 Conversation object | |
Customer Reply | convo.customer.reply.created | v2 Conversation object | |
Agent Reply | convo.agent.reply.created | v2 Conversation object | |
Note Created | convo.note.created | v2 Conversation object | |
Customer | Created | customer.created | v2 Customer object |
Updated | customer.updated | v2 Customer object | |
Deleted | customer.deleted | {id: id-of-customer-that-was-deleted } |
Ratings | Rating Received | satisfaction.ratings | v2 Rating object |
Beacon Chat | Created | beacon.chat.created | Chat object |
Customer Replied | beacon.chat.customer.replied | Chat object | |
Tag | Created | tag.created | v2 Tag object |
Updated | tag.updated | v2 Tag object | |
Deleted | tag.deleted | {id: id-of-tag-that-was-deleted } |
Message | Survey Response Received | message.survey.response.received | Survey Response object |
Please note that the customer.created
webhook event is not filterable across specific inboxes, and will trigger on all customers created globally.
Each webhook includes two Help Scout headers:
- X-HelpScout-Event: Lists the event name for which this webhook event is being generated
- X-HelpScout-Signature: The computed signature generated by Help Scout. Used to know if the request is valid or not.
Webhooks can be verified as coming from Help Scout by calculating a digital signature. Each webhook request contains an X-HelpScout-Signature header, which is generated using the given secret key, along with the json encoded payload data sent in the request.
To verify if the request came from Help Scout, compute the HMAC hash and compare it to the header value sent in the request. If the computed signatures match, you can be sure the request was sent from Help Scout.
Signatures are calculated based on the raw request body passed to your servers by Help Scout. This means that if non-ASCII characters are contained in the payload, you will need to calculate the signature based on the escaped, transliterated string passed to you by Help Scout. We recommend this as best practice in general, even for those primarily working with ASCII data.
define('WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY', 'my-secret-key');
function isFromHelpScout($data, $signature) {
$calculated = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $data, WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, true));
return $signature == $calculated;
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (isFromHelpScout($data, $signature)) {
// do something
When using the Help Scout PHP library, this validation is automatically handled for you.
Thanks to Chris Burch for their C# example code.
privatestring _secret;
publicHelpScoutAuthorization(string secret)
_secret = secret;
/// Use signature to validate this message is from HelpScout
///<param name="jsonRequestBody">The JSON body</param>
///<param name="signature">Typically from Request.Headers["X-HelpScout-Signature"]</param>
publicbool IsFromHelpScout(string jsonRequestBody, string signature)
return (HashHmac(jsonRequestBody, _secret) == signature);
privatestring HashHmac(string message, string secret)
System.Text.Encoding encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
using(var hmac = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1(encoding.GetBytes(secret)))
var messageByteArray = encoding.GetBytes(message);
var hash = hmac.ComputeHash(messageByteArray);
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(hash);
Thanks to our friends at Parse.com for the Ruby example below.
Thanks to Leo Arnold at Givve for sending us a nice Gist with a Ruby vulnerability fix.
#!/usr/bin/ruby -rrubygems
require 'base64'
require 'hmac-sha1' # gem install ruby-hmac
require 'rack/utils' # gem install rack
WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY = "your secret key"
# Returns true if the webhook request is verified to have come from Help Scout.
# data String The data posted by Help Scout to the webhook.
# signature String Value for the http-x-helpscout-signature header.
def is_from_help_scout(data, signature)
Rack::Utils.secure_compare(Base64.encode64("#{hmac.digest}").strip, signature.strip)
# Usage Example
signature = "+oNIxipGoqx4t2BmkBHbXKc6VHM="
data = '{"ticket":{"id":"1","number":"2"},"customer":{"id":"1","fname":"Jackie","lname":"Chan","email":"jackie.chan@somewhere.com","emails":["jackie.chan@somewhere.com"]}}'
puts "This request came from Help Scout:"
puts is_from_help_scout(data, signature)
And an updated ruby example using openssl (instead of hmac-sha1):
#!/usr/bin/ruby -rrubygems
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
require 'rack/utils'
WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY = "your secret key"
def is_from_help_scout?(data, signature)
return false if data.nil? || signature.nil?
digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, data)
Rack::Utils.secure_compare(Base64.encode64("#{digest}").strip, signature.strip)
data = '{"ticket":{"id":"1","number":"2"},"customer":{"id":"1","fname":"Jackie","lname":"Chan","email":"jackie.chan@somewhere.com","emails":["jackie.chan@somewhere.com"]}}'
signature = request.headers['X-Helpscout-Signature'] # or use signature = 'I1KlvGppYqvFTJgJ9jezdQMDiyI=' which is an actual signature of the data above
puts "This request came from Help Scout:"
puts is_from_help_scout?(data, signature)
Thanks to one of our Help Scout customers for the following Node.js example.
/*jshint node: true */
'use strict';
var crypto = require('crypto'),
config = require('../lib/config').config;
module.exports = function(secret) {
return function(req, res, next) {
req.isHelpScout = false;
var hsSignature = req.header('X-HelpScout-Signature');
if (hsSignature) {
req.hsHasher = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret);
req.on('data', function (chunk) {
req.on('end', function() {
var hash = req.hsHasher.digest('base64');
req.isHelpScout = hash === hsSignature ? true : false;
A java example can be found in the Webhook.java class in the Help Scout Java library.
Anything returned in the body of the response will be discarded. In order to know the webhook was successful, an HTTP status code between 200
and 299
must be returned.
A status code of 410
will cause the webhook to get deactivated/deleted.
Any status code other than something between 200
and 299
or 410
is a failure of some kind. A failed event is retried up to 10 times (with an increasing timeout period in between each retry). If the event fails all 10 retries, it is discarded.
Webhooks are automatically deactivated if ten or more events get discarded.
Note: The Agent Reply event will only return data for User-generated threads. Auto Reply messages are not included in this event.