
A series of utility classes that adjust the margin and padding property of a selector, with support for responsive modifiers.


npm install seed-spacing --save




seed-spacing provides a range of spacing utilities for both margin and padding.

Use mrg for margins, and pad for padding.

An example spacing utility class looks like this:

Characters Description
u prefix indicating “utility”
mrg margin
5 size

The above class will add a margin of 20px in all directions when applied to a selector.


Wow! I magically have a margin of 20px all around me!
<div class="u-mrg-5">
  Wow! I magically have a margin of 20px all around me!
Oh snap! I magically have a padding of 8px all around me!
<div class="u-pad-2">
  Oh snap! I magically have a padding of 8px all around me!

Auto (margin only)

The following example is applicable only to margin utility classes.

Characters Description
u prefix indicating “utility”
mrg margin
l left
auto auto margin

All directions

The following example is applicable to both padding and margin utility classes.

Characters Description
u prefix indicating “utility”
mrg margin
5 size


The following example is applicable to both padding and margin utility classes.

See the list of directional modifiers.

Characters Description
u prefix indicating “utility”
mrg margin
t top
5 size


The following example is applicable to both padding and margin utility classes.

See the list of responsive modifiers.

Characters Description
u prefix indicating “utility”
mrg margin
t top
5 size
@md apply margin at the md breakpoint


px sizes

By default, seed-spacing provides a range of sizes 1-10 using a base of 4px.

Sizes Value (px)
0 0
1 4px
2 8px
3 12px
4 16px
5 20px
6 24px
7 28px
8 32px
9 36px
10 40px

Directional modifiers

Modifier Direction
t top
r right
b bottom
l left
h top and bottom
v left and right


Below are the default Sass configuration variables for seed-spacing. The variables can be found in the pack’s _config.scss file.

// Namespace
$seed-spacing-margin-namespace: "u-mrg" !default;
$seed-spacing-padding-namespace: "u-pad" !default;

// Sizes
$seed-spacing-sizes: (
  0: 0,
  1: 4px,
  2: 8px,
  3: 12px,
  4: 16px,
  5: 20px,
  6: 24px,
  7: 28px,
  8: 32px,
  9: 36px,
  10: 40px,
  auto: (auto),
) !default;

// Directions
$seed-spacing-directions: (
  none:   0,
  all:    "a",
  top:    "t",
  right:  "r",
  bottom: "b",
  left:   "l",
  hor:    "h",
  vert:   "v"
) !default;