Grid system

Grid system pack for Seed


npm install seed-grid --save



Seed’s grid system is a modified abstraction Bootstrap’s (v4) grid.

The grid class names have been modified to match Seed’s CSS naming conventions:

  • .container was renamed to .o-container
  • .row was renamed to .o-row
  • .col was heavily modified.

Learn more about Bootstraps’ grid system.


The column implementation of Seed is based on Bootstrap. However, the naming convention was heavily modified.

All of the following classes support responsive modifiers.

<div class="o-container">
  <div class="o-row">
    <div class="o-col-2@md">.o-col-2@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-2@md">.o-col-2@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-2@md">.o-col-2@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-2@md">.o-col-2@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-2@md">.o-col-2@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-2@md">.o-col-2@md</div>
  <div class="o-row">
    <div class="o-col-8@md">.o-col-8@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-4@md">.o-col-4@md</div>
  <div class="o-row">
    <div class="o-col-4@md">.o-col-4@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-4@md">.o-col-4@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-4@md">.o-col-4@md</div>
  <div class="o-row">
    <div class="o-col-6@md">.o-col-6@md</div>
    <div class="o-col-6@md">.o-col-6@md</div>

Offsetting columns

Offset classes work similarly to columns classes. Instead of adjusting the size of the column, they’re responsible for providing left margin spacing.

All of the following classes support responsive modifiers.

.o-col-4@md .o-col-offset-4@md
.o-col-3@md .o-col-offset-3@md
.o-col-3@md .o-col-offset-3@md
.o-col-6@md .o-col-offset-3@md
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-4@md">.o-col-4@md</div>
  <div class="o-col-4@md o-col-offset-4@md">.o-col-4@md .o-col-offset-4@md</div>
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-3@md o-col-offset-3@md">.o-col-3@md .o-col-offset-3@md</div>
  <div class="o-col-3@md o-col-offset-3@md">.o-col-3@md .o-col-offset-3@md</div>
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-6@md o-col-offset-3@md">.o-col-6@md .o-col-offset-3@md</div>

Reordering columns

Push and pull classes allow you to reorder columns. They support all of the default column sizes and responsive modifiers.

Push: Shifts grid columns to the right
Pull: Shifts grid columns to the left

.o-col-9@md .o-col-push-3@md
.o-col-3@md o-col-pull-9@md
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-9@md o-col-push-3@md">.o-col-9@md .o-col-push-3@md</div>
  <div class="o-col-3@md o-col-pull-9@md">.o-col-3@md o-col-pull-9@md</div>

Nesting Columns

Level 1: .o-col-9@sm
Level 2: .o-col-8 .o-col-6@sm
Level 2: .o-col-4 .o-col-6@sm
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-9@sm">
    Level 1: .o-col-9@sm
    <div class="o-row">
      <div class="o-col-8 o-col-6@sm">
        Level 2: .o-col-8 .o-col-6@sm
      <div class="o-col-4 o-col-6@sm">
        Level 2: .o-col-4 .o-col-6@sm

Mobile and desktop

.o-col-12 .o-col-8@md
.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md
.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md
.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md
.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md
<!-- Stack the columns on mobile by making one full-width and the other half-width -->
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-12 o-col-8@md">.o-col-12 .o-col-8@md</div>
  <div class="o-col-6 o-col-4@md">.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md</div>
<!-- Columns start at 50% wide on mobile and bump up to 33.3% wide on desktop -->
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-6 o-col-4@md">.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md</div>
  <div class="o-col-6 o-col-4@md">.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md</div>
  <div class="o-col-6 o-col-4@md">.o-col-6 .o-col-4@md</div>
<!-- Columns are always 50% wide, on mobile and desktop -->
<div class="o-row">
  <div class="o-col-6">.o-col-6</div>
  <div class="o-col-6">.o-col-6</div>