
A series of thematic classes that adjust the border property of a selector, with support for responsive modifiers.


npm install seed-border --save



.t-bdr supports responsive modifiers.

Class Borders applied on…
.t-bdr top, right, bottom, left
.t-bdr-top top
.t-bdr-right right
.t-bdr-bottom bottom
.t-bdr-left left


I only have a border on the top.
I only have a border on the right.
I only have a border on the left.
Hah! I gots borders all over the place.
<div class="t-bdr-top u-pad-3 u-mrg-b-2">
  I only have a border on the top.
<div class="t-bdr-right u-pad-3 u-mrg-b-2">
  I only have a border on the right.
<div class="t-bdr-left u-pad-3 u-mrg-b-2">
  I only have a border on the left.
<div class="t-bdr">
  Hah! I gots borders all over the place.

Border Radius

Border radiuses can be adjusted by adding a .t-bdr-r class.

Class Borders radius
.t-bdr-r-0 0px
.t-bdr-r-1 1px
.t-bdr-r-2 2px
.t-bdr-r-3 3px
.t-bdr-r-4 4px
.t-bdr-r-circle 50%
.t-bdr-r-pill 9999px


I have a border radius of 3px!
I have a border radius of a lot of px!
<div class="t-bdr-r-3 u-pad-3 t-bg-blue-200 u-mrg-b-2">
  I have a border radius of 3px!
<div class="t-bdr-r-pill u-pad-3 t-bg-green-200">
  I have a border radius of a lot of px!


Below are the default Sass configuration variables for seed-border. The variables can be found in the pack’s _config.scss file.

// Namespaces
$seed-border-namespace: "t-bdr" !default;
$seed-border-radius-namespace: "#{$seed-border-namespace}-r" !default;

// Defaults
$seed-border-color: #eee !default;
$seed-border-radius: 3px !default;
$seed-border-size: 1px !default;
$seed-border-style: solid !default;

// Important (Typical convention for utility purposes)
$seed-border-use-important: true !default;

// Directions
$seed-border-directions: (
  all: false,
  top: "t",
  right: "r",
  bottom: "b",
  left: "l",
  none: false,
) !default;

$seed-border-radius-sizes: (
  0: 0px,
  1: 1px,
  2: 2px,
  3: 3px,
  4: 4px,
  circle: 50%,
  pill: 9999px,
) !default;

// Base variable
$seed-border: $seed-border-size $seed-border-style $seed-border-color !default;